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InterDC has an open network policy, meaning that any internet/network provider can establish themselves in our datacenters. This gives you the option to choose from a broad selection of internet/network providers within our datacenters.

Tier 3

Our datacenters meets the Tier 3 requirements. All components are N+1 at minimum. Our minimal uptime guarantee is 99.982%

InterDC has a carrier neutral policy, meaning that every telecom, carrier or network provider is welcome in our datacenters.

Thereby our datacenters is connected via 2+ geographic redundant fibers, these fibers connects InterDC to Equinix Enschede, Previder PDC2 (Hengelo), Dataplace Arnhem, Nikhef Amsterdam and Düsseldorf Germany. From these locations we can provide multiple connections between them. We can also provide a connection to AMS-IX, NL-IX and ND-IX internet exchanges.

It is possible to connect to the local providers directly located in our datacenters. In case of wanting to connect to another provider which is not located at our site, we can deliver a private connection to the site where your provider is located.


Available networks

The following companies are situated in our datacenters and have a 'network' status.

Breedband Nederland

With many providers you are a number as a customer and the service is not inspiring. That is why we started the provider where we ourselves would like to be a customer. At Breedband Netherlands we are passionate about what we do. We always go to the extreme for our customers and we don't give up when things get complicated.

More information: www.breedband.nl

Bright Access

Bright Access staat voor een probleemloos en betrouwbaar glasvezelnetwerk voor bedrijven. Het is onze missie om glasvezel letterlijk en figuurlijk binnen het bereik te brengen van het MKB. Wij vinden dat een glasvezelaansluiting een nutsvoorziening is, net zo onontbeerlijk als een water- of elektriciteitsaansluiting.

More information: www.brightaccess.nl


Rooted in the Achterhoek (Doetinchem, The Netherlands), we are a young and flexible company set out to improve the internet ecosystem. Our expertise ranges from network security to IP transit, enabling us to build solutions for any network. We provide both consultancy services and ready for use products like ERA-IX.

More information: eranium.io


Eurofiber is an independent and specialist in providing fiber-based connections.

More information: www.eurofiber.nl


InterRacks is an Internet Service Provider with a high quality network at multiple locations. InterRacks delivers IP transit and IP space for internet connections. InterRacks also provides colocation space.

More information: www.interracks.com


InTouch Software Defined Network (SDN), converged infrastructures and WIFI services help IT to meet the business requirements.
InTouch operates a diverse array of network infrastructures for which it became finalist at the Cisco Live! Innovation Awards as Cisco Most Innovative SP Service Offering Project of the year 2010.

More information: intouch.eu


KPN is leverancier van telecommunicatie- en ICT-diensten en biedt consumenten vaste en mobiele telefonie, internet en televisie. Voor zakelijke klanten verzorgt KPN complete telecommunicatie- en ICT-oplossingen. KPN biedt wereldwijd wholesale-netwerkdiensten aan andere operators.

More information: kpn.com


NDIX is a platform for broadband infrastructure and IT services. NDIX has several functions:
Digital marketplace, Internet Exchange, Platform for broadband interconnections and Platform for knowledge transfer

More information: www.ndix.net


Iedereen wil digitaal bereikbaar zijn en snel internet hebben. Qonnected vindt het belangrijk dat iedereen toegang heeft tot snel internet.

More information: www.qonnected.nl

Relined Fiber Network

Relined Fiber Network, founded in 2003, is the leading supplier of reliable Dark Fibre connections. Relined Fiber Network supplies fibre optic connections from A to B, using the stable and reliable Dark Fibres of public and/or private networks. Together with our preferred suppliers, we have access to a high-quality fibre optic infrastructure, giving us a nationwide, fine-mesh Dark Fiber network in both the Netherlands and Germany. Almost any location is within our reach!

More information: relined.eu


Tele2 is a European telecommunications operator headquartered in the Kista Science City, Stockholm, Sweden. It is a major telephone operator in the Nordic and Baltic countries and an alternative provider in many others, with about 17 million customers in 8 countries.

More information: www.tele2.nl


TReNT Glasvezel is uniek door haar eigen glasvezelnetwerk in Oost Nederland. Inmiddels reikt dit netwerk over een groot gedeelte van de provincies Gelderland en Overijssel.

More information: www.trentglasvezel.nl


Wij integreren de beste technologieën voor de specifieke behoefte van iedere klant. Vertixo levert effectieve oplossingen. Ons dienstpakket bestaat uit security, network & cloud oplossingen met een proactieve 24/7 support

More information: www.vertixo.com


Weserve B.V. beheert haar eigen netwerk en hardware vanuit 25 datacenters verdeeld over Nederland. Wij beschikken over eigen koppelingen met diverse grote glasvezel leveranciers. Ook beheert Weserve zelf het Cogas FttO glasvezel netwerk in Twente.

More information: www.weserve.nl


Ziggo is the largest cable operator in the Netherlands, providing digital cable television, Internet, and telephone service to both residential and commercial customers.

More information: www.ziggo.nl


Internet exchanges

InterDC is home for the following internet exchanges:
Datacenter Enschede
  • InterDC Enschede Haven
  • Josinkstraat 30
  • 7547AB Enschede
  • The Netherlands
Datacenter Enschede
  • InterDC Enschede Marssteden
  • Marssteden 110
  • 7547TD Enschede
  • The Netherlands
Datacenter Hengelo
  • InterDC Hengelo
  • Sherwood Rangers 1
  • 7551KW Hengelo
  • The Netherlands
Datacenter Doetinchem
  • InterDC Doetinchem
  • Gildenbroederslaan 1
  • 7005BM Doetinchem
  • The Netherlands