Tuesday 5 September 2023
For our internet customers at A18 Bedrijvenpark Wehl we upgraded the existing internet connections from 100/100mb to 200/200mb for free! Enjoy! Are you a company on the A18 bedrijvenpark and you are interested in our internet options, please contact us today!
Thursday 20 January 2022
Our new datacenters locations in Doetinchem and Enschede Marssteden are as of today ISO27001 and NEN7510 certified! That way as long if you are using one of our datacenters, your data is always secure!
Thursday 1 April 2021
The recent acquired datacenter from Novoserve in Doetinchem has been taken over today by us and reopened as the InterDC Doetinchem datacenter. The coming weeks we will improve the datacenter to our standards and we will begin to certify this datacenter for the ISO27001 and NEN7510 standards.
Monday 15 March 2021
InterDC wants to be as green as possible. Last week we installed a new drycooler in our datacenter in Enschede. With this unit we are able to keep our data rooms cool without using any compressor or cool techniques. Just with plain water a pump and some fans! This way our cooling system is very efficient and has a low energy use. The only downside is that when the temperature outside is above 20 degrees Celsius we need to transfer to traditional cooling. Fortunately most of the year the temperature outside under this threshold.
Thursday 17 December 2020
We have acquired two datacenters locations from Novoserve: Doetinchem and Enschede. With this acquisition InterDC will have the most datacenters in the East of the Netherlands. Read the entire news message here ( it is Dutch only ): https://www.interdc.nl/nl/persberichten/2/
Thursday 15 October 2020
Our brand new datacenter in Hengelo is officially opened today. In despite of Covid 19 our opening party has been moved to the cloud. With 360 degrees images you can get a very unique view of our datacenter. Visit the following link to start the tour: https://www.interdc.nl/en/locations/hengelo/tour/
Friday 17 April 2020
Our emergency power generator in Enschede has been replaced with a larger variant. The old gen had not enough power (115kva) to feed our datacenter needs. So we replaced the generator with an 300kva unit.
Wednesday 16 October 2019
We proudly announce that we opened a second datacenter. The new datacenter is located in Hengelo near the city hall and has space for about 70 racks. The datacenter will also meet the TIER3, ISO27001 and NEN7510 standards.
On the moment the location is being build and the new location will official be opened in January 2020.
Tuesday 16 July 2019
We added a new corridor to our dataroom 1 in Enschede. With this addition we got 14 brand new racks. A part of these racks are 1/2 secured racks. Meaning that the small companies can also rent a secured rack without the cost of a 1/1 rack. Very handy!